The evidence base for therapeutic group care: A systematic scoping review – Research brief
Download PDFMar 2019
Written by Lynne McPherson Kathomi Gatwiri Nadine Cameron Natalie Parmenter
The NSW Government has undertaken major reforms over the past two years aimed at improving outcomes for children and young people in out-of-home care. Following a review by Verso Consulting of its residential care services (2016), it has implemented a new system of Intensive Therapeutic Care (ITC) for young people with high and complex needs. The ITC system delivers a range of intensive therapeutic care options for children and young people including assessment units, therapeutic rostered care homes, therapeutic sibling placements, therapeutic supported independent living programs, and therapeutic homebased care.
To support the effective roll out of the ITC system, Family and Community Services NSW have funded the establishment of a Centre for Excellence in Therapeutic Care (CETC). The CETC is run by the Australian Childhood Foundation in partnership with Southern Cross University.
This report is the first of a series that aims to describe the current state of knowledge in relation to key elements of the ITC system. This report has as its major focus a review of the literature about therapeutic care for children and young people in small congregate care environments. This is the starting point for future research and knowledge generation.
The contents and findings will be disseminated to those working in the ITC system as the basis for strengthening practice in the care and case management of young people accepted into it.