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The evidence base for therapeutic group care: A systematic scoping review – Research brief
This report is the first of a series that aims to describe the current state of knowledge in relation to key elements of the ITC system. This report has as its major focus a review of the literature about therapeutic care for children and young people in small congregate care environments.
The needs of LGBTIQ young people in out-of-home care – Research brief
This research brief provides an overview of what is known about the experience of young LGBTIQ young people in therapeutic care need and how those working with young people currently residing in and who have experience of care can be best supported.
Preventing self-harm among young people in out-of-home care – Research brief
This Research Briefing explores why young people in out of home care self-harm, what the predictors for self-harm are, how best to intervene, and what out of home care providers need to know to prevent self-harm and suicide.