our training

We leverage modern digital solutions to expand how carers and professionals access and engage with training and peer-learning about trauma-informed care. We do this through accredited and non-accredited training, facilitation of peer networks, leading research initiatives, and translating knowledge to guide practice. Community of Practices workshops for therapeutic specialists, house managers and more.



The Australian Institute of Family Studies recently released a report titled Improving the Safety and Wellbeing of Vulnerable Children: A Consolidation of Systemic Recommendations and Evidence. This report summarises recommendations from 61 reports and inquiries between 2010 and 2022, highlighting consistent themes linked to the importance of holistic therapeutic care for children and young people.
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Having meaningful conversations about consent can be tricky. Understanding consent is built on understanding relationships, safety, and social skills. For this reason, many young people in out-of-home care need regular broader discussions about healthy relationships and boundaries that evolve with the young person's development.
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We are excited to announce Professor Lynne McPherson's appointment as Chair of Out-of-Home Care Research. This Chair role, the first of its kind in Australia, is a joint position to generate important research outcomes that inform the efforts of the Centre for Excellence in Therapeutic Care, leading the way in progressing knowledge about "what works" in out-of-home care.
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    how we can help

    CETC research icon


    We partner with leading researchers to identify and fill the gaps in knowledge about what works in out-of-home care.


    We facilitate monthly communities of practice for therapeutic specialists, and those with a clinical role, in therapeutic residential care.


    We innovate and curate collections of knowledge on critical practice issues in out-of-home care.



    What is a residential care worker?

    What do you think is the role of “reflective practice”?

    What do you enjoy about working with young people?

    What does cultural safety mean to you?

    Supporting Aboriginal children and young people in custodial and residential care settings – Rhett’s story

    How do you support young people in connecting to culture?

    How do you plan for a young person’s transition into and leaving your service?

    How do you help young people feel safe in the residential home?

    Can you share an example of changes you have witnessed in young people after time being supported in residential care?

    A “day in your life” as a residential care worker

    The Criminalisation of Children in Care in England/Wales, New South Wales, and Victoria

    About us

    Why is reflection important for trauma-informed work?

    Why did you become a therapeutic specialist?

    What would you tell others thinking about becoming a therapeutic specialist?

    What changes have you seen in the young people you work with?

    What are the best parts of being a therapeutic specialist?

    What are the challenges of being a therapeutic specialist?

    How does the exposure to trauma impact on staff?

    What is the role of relationship in therapeutic care?

    What is an average day for a therapeutic specialist?

    What is a therapeutic specialist?

    Welcome to responding to child sexual exploitation

    Safe Connections: How to use the resource kit