Women in Leadership: Fiona Atkins at Ashley Youth Detention Centre

Apr 2024

Written by Cyra Fernandes Fiona Atkins

The care of young people in detention has been a focus in the media both in Australia and overseas.

Media reports have highlighted inadequate levels of care and abuse of young people sometimes leading to tragic consequences. Such media reports also impact staff working with these vulnerable young people, many of whom have worked hard to help support these young people.

Fiona Atkins began her career in youth detention as a youth worker 24 years ago at a time when there were few women working in this space, let alone in a management role. Today she is the Acting Director of Ashley Youth Detention Centre.

“When I first started working there was limited training and support provided.”

Fiona recalls one important piece of advice – “Protect your keys with your life.” This advice, along with being buddies with a strong female worker who showed her the ropes, enabled Fiona to develop good rapport and skills in working with young people.

Fiona explains, “Making small changes is really important. You are not going to change the world but making a small difference in the lives of a young person can be significant. For example, I remember teaching one young man to use a knife and fork and supporting another Aboriginal young person who had been suicidal to rediscover his passion for playing football.” Fiona accepted leadership roles at Ashley at a time when the Commission of Inquiry into the Tasmanian Government Responses into Child Sexual Abuse in Institutional Settings was occurring, and as a result, several staff members were stood down whilst investigations of allegations of abuse took place.

Ashley Youth Detention Centre was regularly in the media spotlight for all the wrong reasons; morale at the centre was low, and there were regular staff shortages. Fiona did not allow this crisis to deter her.

Turning up early for work each day, Fiona often worked on the floor with young people to support and bolster staff morale. When working in the units, she saw herself as one of the team rather than the boss. Fiona would also regularly put on a breakfast for all the staff, including cooking the breakfast, as a means of helping staff have opportunities to connect and show that they are valued.

The simple act of showing up day after day and being willing to work alongside staff when needed demonstrated a powerful message to staff that they were not alone.

Staff have commented that just knowing that Fiona was there each day helped them deal with these painful times and know that they could get through each day. Fiona’s leadership style could be summed up as being one of persistence and determination. This has helped when working within a male-dominated field of youth detention.

Although she received some opposition from some staff when first in a leadership role, she continued to persist in offering opportunities for staff to express concerns through regular forums such as staff meetings as well as an open-door policy. Fiona is also adamant about the importance of treating all staff and young people fairly and equally – “Not investing too heavily or showing favouritism.” By doing so, Fiona demonstrates a style of leadership that focuses on integrity and transparency. As a leader, she is willing to acknowledge her mistakes.

“When I muck up, I will say sorry. Remember not to jump too quickly to conclusions. Take some time to think about how you may want to respond.” Fiona also recognises the importance of maintaining a balance between home and work life. Apart from caring for her family, she has a range of hobbies, including gardening and clay target shooting, which helps her switch off from the gruelling work demands.

During her time as a leader at Ashley, Fiona has also overseen new initiatives to support staff including ongoing training, supervision, and increased transparency in the work. This has included allowing external agencies such as Australian Childhood Foundation to educate and collaborate with staff and young people in detention facilities.

Although these initiatives on their own have not made sweeping changes, they have, in small ways, gradually shifted both the culture and practices to be more trauma-informed for both the staff and young people.

Fiona Atkins’ approach to leadership demonstrates that even small changes can make a significant impact, proving that persistent, mindful efforts can gradually enhance the environment for both staff and young people in detention.

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