Meaningful actions to amplify the voices of Aboriginal children and young people in care


Although Aboriginal children and young people are starkly over-represented in out-of-home care, their voices are rarely included in narratives that contribute to decision-making in care policy and practice. However, research shows that when given the opportunity, these children are highly capable of articulating their care experiences and contributing thoughtfully to discussions about service issues and policy design. These opportunities to actively participate not only stand to benefit our policy and practice, but improve their social, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing, while promoting independence, increased self-esteem, and a sense of belonging. 

So, how can we create more opportunities to amplify Aboriginal voices? 
This workshop explores the findings of a comprehensive review on voices of Aboriginal children and young people in out-of-home care in research literature, as well as preliminary data from a new research project which both engages Aboriginal children and young people to explore out-of-home care experiences and supports them to challenge practices and embedded assumptions that leave them at the mercy of a system that does not provide cultural safety. The session will provide practice advice on how to amplify the voices of Aboriginal children and young people in care, and how to meaningfully embed voice in practice. 

About the facilitator: 
Bradley Burns is an Aboriginal Kamilaroi man and a current PhD candidate at Western Sydney University. His research focuses on how to better support Aboriginal children and young people in out-of-home care, elevate their voices, and translate those voices into practice through co-design. Bradley has been an OOHC practitioner for seven years in a variety of roles, from a caseworker on the frontline to his current position as a Senior Advisor supporting ongoing connection to culture and family for Aboriginal children in care. 

Please note: all course and workshop times are displayed in Sydney/Melbourne/Canberra time zones. Please ensure you convert the time to your current time zone. All workshop payments must be made by credit card. Invoicing is only available for group bookings of 5 or more for the same workshop date. Contact us through cetc@childhood.org.au for group bookings. 

Target Audience

All professionals in research, policy and practice, or who directly work with Aboriginal children and young people in out-of-home care. 

Learning Outcomes

  • Explore current literature of the voices and participation of Aboriginal children and young people in out-of-home care.
  • Understand what Aboriginal children and young people in care say about what is important to them.
  • Define what participation is and what it should look like.
  • Identify practical ways to facilitate and support the elevation of Aboriginal children and young people’s voices and right to participation in out-of-home care.

Virtual workshop

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