Let’s Talk: Pornography, consent and young people’s sexual development in out-of-home care


What is your role as a kinship carer, foster carer or residential youth worker in supporting children and young people learn about sex, consent, healthy relationships, and sexuality? For many of us, these questions cause discomfort and confusion about how and when to provide appropriate support and guidance. In this workshop, social worker and senior specialist in therapeutic care Cyra Fernandes will lead participants through a series of real world case studies, explore concerns and strategies to support children and young people.

This workshop explores issues relating to sexual development of young people in out-of-home care and the influence of pornography on sexual development. In this session, participants will examine a series of real case studies, exploring strategies to identify issues of concern and support discussions of pornographic materials, consent, and healthy relationships with young people in out-of-home care.

About the facilitator:
Cyra Fernandes is a social worker and family therapist with extensive experience working with children, young people, and their families. Cyra works with the Centre for Excellence in Therapeutic Care as a Senior Specialist of Therapeutic Residential Care, focused on evolving education around harmful sexual behaviours and sexual exploitation of young people in out-of-home care settings. Cyra has a wealth of experience in managing therapeutic out-of-home care programs and is a national leader in therapeutic work with children and young people with harmful sexual behaviours.

Please note: all course and workshop times are displayed in Sydney/Melbourne/Canberra time zones. Please ensure you convert the time to your current time zone. All workshop payments must be made by credit card. Invoicing is only available for group bookings of 5 or more for the same workshop date. Contact us through cetc@childhood.org.au for group bookings.

Target Audience

Foster carers, kinship carers, youth workers and other carers of children and young people in out-of-home care.

Learning Outcomes

  • Explore the role of pornography in the lives of children and young people
  • Distinguish between issues of concern and normal sexual development of young people
  • Develop strategies to support young people to understand and navigate issues of consent
  • Use the SAVVY Consumer Model to guide carers to talk to young people about healthy relationships and the influence of pornography
  • Explore strategies to support young people to develop healthy relationships and be critical media consumers

Virtual workshop

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Let’s Talk: Pornography, consent and young people’s sexual development in out-of-home care



Recent media attention on sexual assaults in schools and workplaces across Australia raise important questions about how young people learn about sex, consent, healthy relationships and sexuality. For those working with young people in out of home care, and specifically intensive therapeutic care, these questions can cause discomfort and confusion about how and when to provide appropriate support. At the same time, pornography is increasingly believed to play an influential role in shaping beliefs, expectations, and desires of young people with research indicating that most young have viewed pornography by the age of 15.  Whilst there is no direct causal link between the viewing of pornography and engaging in harmful sexual behaviour, young people’s continued exposure to violent and degrading material available on pornography sites is concerning.

Using relevant and real-world cases studies, this online workshop will:

  • Explore the role of pornography in young people’s lives, 
  • Assist workers identify issues of concern versus normal sexual development,
  • Explore the relationship between pornography and issues of harmful sexual behaviour and vulnerability to child sexual exploitation
  • Support workers to consider how to help young people understand and navigate issues of consent
  • Identify strategies to support young people to identify healthy relationships and critical media consumers   

Target Audience


Residential workers, direct care workers, house supervisors, therapeutic specialists and more working with young people in out of home care and intensive therapeutic care. 


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