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‘Tis the Season to be Jolly’ – but not for everyone
It’s all too easy to get wrapped up in the fun and happiness of Christmas and forget that, for others, the season isn’t necessarily a joyful one. For some the young people in the ITC system, Christmas has not been a happy time and can bring back difficult memories. Arguments, violence or aggression in the …
Frequently asked questions by foster carers: Behaviours that challenge
On any given night there are about 18000 children and young people are in foster care in Australia. Most foster carers will be the first to tell you how rewarding it is – but it is also challenging, tiring, and sometimes distressing.
Trauma-informed relationship-based recovery reflection tool – Practice tool
Children and young people need adults who can co-regulate with them and teach them about feelings and their inner world. This Trauma Informed Relationship-Based Recovery Reflection tool can be used by an individual or with a group to reflect on what children and young people need to recover from trauma and how you can help meet these needs.